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Homebuilt Camping is Alive and Well

...son Lucas. Maxwell is a doctor in Dublin, Georgia, who also happens to fly an RV-10, again this year bringing the family and camping. Maxwell has built a Kitfox and...

Ask the DAR

...the future? I just finished building a Kitfox 4, and all the wing ribs, spars, and the fuselage were already built. All I did was install the parts, cover them,...


...was a real fun experience to say the least. We took 17 Amateur-Built aircraft into Atlanta Hartsfield, and I took my Kitfox. What a hoot! Well, after the event someone...

Brad Cohen's Zenith Zodiac 601XL

...a family. I looked at other planes; The Kitfox (I really wanted something metal), The RV Series ( I have friends, but none close enough to crawl in the back...

Stretching The Envelope

...was initially an Avid copy with a few minor styling changes. He called it a Kitfox, and it too was a huge hit. Each firm continued to one-up the other...

The New Old Aero Engine!

...to supply ULPower engines to many airplane original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) including Arion Aircraft, Kitfox, Hatz Bantam, Bede Corp, Just Aircraft, RANS, Sport Performance Aircraft (Panther), and others. These companies...

Saupe Kitfox

My wife Shelli and I started our Kitfox III kit October 19th of 2014. Thanks to the generous help of our local EAA Chapter (602) technical counselors and flight advisor,...

Editor’s Log

...at least unaware—of the huge and growing presence of homebuilt aircraft in the flying community. Rare is the local airport that doesn’t have at least one Kitfox, RV, or Glasair...

Down To Earth

...our Kitfox IV in 2000, and we liked the way Toman built his products. Robust, hardened, and durable—those are words you like to hear when you are purchasing electronics—especially avionics....


...the busted pipe was now spewing water across the garage, workbench, and all of my tools, and freezing solid. What a disaster! After the RV-4, I trailered the Kitfox for...

In Case You Missed It

Home Shop Machinist

Sharpening bits and random tips.

Kit Stuff



Waiex Review Rebuttal We are writing to express our disappointment in the Waiex. Y...

Wind Tunnel

Columnist Barnaby Wainfan continues his flight-testing discussion by taking up the topic of longitudinal stability. By identifying the origin of the problem, whether it be a control-system issue, a too-small static margin, or a combination of the two, the flight tests he recommends will help to isolate the issue.