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Super Legend HP

...as CubCrafters, Aerotrek, RANs and Kitfox—the taildragging rag-and-tube crowd. (Oh, and did we mention Kitfox and RANs also have their own versions of Titan-powered airframes?) The Legend HP, like the...

Driving Down the High Costs of Aircraft Ownership

...remain at the airport, drawing rent and the appraising gaze of the tax collector. Suddenly, aircraft sporting real trailerability, like the Kolb series, Kitfox, GlaStar, Europa, Dyke Delta, et al....

Balancing Act

...and other industries. Matt is a licensed private pilot with over 1000 hours of time logged in Experimental aircraft. He owns a Long-EZ, Kitfox on floats, and a Cessna 172....

The Ins and Outs of Pre-buys

...technical counselors, and qualified “repeat offenders”—builders who have completed more than one project. Most, but not all, of my experience is on the Van’s and Kitfox series of aircraft, so...

Phase I Done Right

...the airframe. Many think that if the airplane looks like a Kitfox, it must be a Kitfox. But there are many changes that people make to fuel systems, engine components,...

Airframes Alaska T3 Tailwheel Suspension

...– Available mid-July 2015 for experimental LSA (homebuilds, Kitfox, Rans, etc) with 1320 lb GW T3 Super Heavy Duty – Double coil design available mid-August 2015 for heavier experimentals (Maule,...

Ray Stits Remembered

...Stits left an indelible, positive mark on light aviation worldwide. The Poly-Fiber Process Remembered by a First-time Builder My Kitfox IV’s Poly-Fiber covering is now 24 years old and still...


...is flying. Omaka, New Zealand Larry Saupe’s Kitfox My wife Shelli and I started our Kitfox III kit October 19, 2014. Thanks to the generous help of our local EAA...


...was the author’s favorite Kitfox, especially since his younger son Nick soloed in it. Unfortunately, the second owner also crashed it, killing two while performing low-level aerobatics. After watching the...

But Do I Need It?

...and on this particular day I asked myself if I maybe needed to consider adding some sort of ADS-B to the Kitfox IV I’ve been flying for 24 years. I...

In Case You Missed It

Affordable! Fast! Too Hot!

Marketing departments willfully ignore the difference between objective and subjective statements, especially the marketing...

Propeller Balancing

Here’s what you need to know to get the smoothest results.

Familiar Face

A lighter, more powerful engine gives the Lightning better performance.

Chamfers and Tapers

The usual setup for my lathe is to have the compound slide set to...