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Whole Airplane Parachutes
...Cirrus SR20 and SR22.” In the kit aircraft world, BRS Aerospace has developed installations for more than 350 models from a wide range of manufacturers, including CubCrafters, Glasair, Kitfox, Lancair,...
Ask the DAR
...for that aircraft. Question: The FAA is coming soon to sign off (I hope!) my completed Kitfox S7 Super Sport. The inspector told me he wants to see Form 8000-3,...
Stole it!
We’re spending a few days in the Idaho back country, and stopped by the Kitfox headquarters in Homedale before heading in to the mountains. Saw the big, bad STi sitting...
Leedom/Hlavac KitFox Lite
N200HL started life as a KitFox Lite kit. The engine is a Rotax 503 with a 3.47:1 reduction. The motor mount, carbon full cowl and the gear legs with coil...
Kyle's Ride
...something interesting. The Sunday before Sun ‘n Fun, we ran in to John McBean, principal of Kitfox Aircraft. John had flown into Lakeland in a plane that debuted at last...
Dave Armando’s Kitfox Speedster Model V
After 6 years of building my 2001 Kitfox Speedster Model V was flown. Equipped with a Jabiru 3300 120 hp 6 cylinder, swinging an IVO medium constant speed prop, my...
Dave Armando’s Rotorway 162F
...and flew around. Participating in the Young Eagle program is the best. The smiles it brings make all the long nights and weekends worth the build. After building a Kitfox...
Tricked-Out Tailwheel
...four-seat aircraft. We have now flown it on a 180-hp Kitfox and have been using one provided by T3 on our much heavier (2550-pound gross weight) Tundra for several months...
Wingfold Wire Routing
On aircraft with folding wings, such as those from Kitfox and RANS, one needs to be careful to mount all wires and tubes on the forward side of the aft...
Rudder Jam
This rudder stop on a Kitfox was barely touching the rudder horns and was close to imminent failure, which could have caused binding of the rudder, most likely at the...