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Take the Time—Build a Template

The black GSU25 ADAHRS goes on that shelf – but drilling it in position is tricky! I’m sure we’ve all been there when building something—one hand holding a “thing,” one...

Red, Round and Gorgeous

...always wanted a Hatz since he was a kid building model airplanes with his dad. After retiring from a Navy and Air Guard career, and marrying Kathy who he promptly...


...type of adventure that we dreamed about during the building stage. It was sad to see the low turnout at Sulphur Springs, especially after the monumental effort they put into...

Crafting Cubs (With a Lot of Help)

Building an airplane takes time, we all know that. It also requires some skill, certain tools and abundant patience. Truth is, not all who want an Experimental/Amateur-Built airplane, with the...

AirVenture 2024 In Perspective

Home for 24 hours, it’s time to look back and think about our eight-day sojourn in Wisconsin. Trading the green, head-high cornfields for the desert and mountainous west with building...

Aircraft Specialty Flightlines Brings Three New Smart Components to AirVenture

...with parking brake switch. Folks building anything with a Beringer brake setup will benefit from Aircraft Specialties new Beringer parking brake bracket, with integrated switch for a parking brake annunciation...

Yup – Another Mustang

...under-construction project. They have always been a long-term building commitment – more complex than a typical kit project, and require a bit more builder originality and ingenuity to complete. The...

Risk Tolerance

...about aircraft and that has influenced my thinking when building. One of the lessons I learned early was that backup systems should not be of the same design or manufacturer....

EAA Aeroplane Workshop. Skills and Surprises

Across the street from Homebuilder Headquarters squats an aging yellow pole building. Inside its uninviting exterior may lie the confidence you need to tackle the primary skills holding you back...

First AirVenture for a Homebuilder

...in 2018, but then moving to Sequim, WA (of Boys in the Boat fame), and building a Sling 2 became the priorities for several years. Finally, this year, the plane...

In Case You Missed It

Around the Patch

Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook discusses the many virtues of Kifoxs new Super Sport, which will be powered by a Rotec radial.

A Tale of Two RVs

“Homebuilt” aptly describes where most project aircraft are assembled. But as you approach the...

Free Flight

Expecting your avionics software to be free of bugs is unrealistic, but there is a way to avoid being bitten.

Plug-Gapping Tool

If you read Paul Dye’s article “Automotive Plugs in Lycomings” in the August 2023...