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Building the 750SD XTREME: Part 12

OK, I’m just going to start off by quickly repeating what I’ve said a few times before. If you don’t want to spend an obscene amount of time building your...

Custom Tools for Rod End Installation and Alignment

...be fitting the surface multiple times in order to get everything lined up. Rather than use AN3 bolts for this, when building the RV-4, I made a set of fitting...

Buy the Thousand-Pack

...the wiring. When it comes to building a custom wiring harness, there are multiple way to do it. The first is (if your kit manufacturer gives you the option) to...

Aging Aviators and Safety

...lucky (older) individuals. Figure 2 gives us another clue. Note the relative involvement of younger pilots in homebuilding accidents. It’s much lower in the pre-40-year-old period, but the percentage of...

The Final Steps

People spend years building their airplanes. Many times the goal line appears so far ahead that it is just a fuzzy horizon, impossible to see, much less focus on. But...

Zenith Aircraft’s Annual “Homecoming” Open Hangar Days & Fly-In

...Hands-on building projects in the Zenith factory are being planned, including a “women’s only introduction to aircraft building” workshop class. There will be Zenith Aircraft presentations on aircraft kit construction, as well as representation from more...

Kitfox Celebrates Forty, Too

...They were treated to a couple of fly-outs and two days of food and seminars from Rotax, Garmin, PPG Paints and AeroLEDs, plus various demonstrations of techniques needed for building....

The Snazzier 10

...by the time Easton had begun building in 2016, the aftermarket for the RV-10 was really gaining momentum. So it’s definitely time for Van’s Aircraft to get aligned with builder...

Wire Supports

If you’re building/wiring an instrument panel, especially one with modern EFIS screens and avionics, you no doubt have dealt with the problem of how to secure wire bundles. After all,...

Building the Affordaplane, Part 4

...using. Simple to build and strong. Never underestimate the talent and resources of your audience! The last major building hurdle was now in the past. After building the mount, the...

In Case You Missed It


Builders share their successes.

The Maine Attraction

Flying a GlaStar on skis in the Pine Tree State.

Do-It-Yourself Camera Mount

Homebuilt aircraft struts often require a homebuilt mount.

Engine Theory: Diesel Engines

The details of burning Jet A.