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Build Your Skills: Metal, Part 1

Meet Dan Checkoway, successful RV-7 builder with a no-nonsense but practical approach to building. He’s confident enough in his work to leave his RV unpainted—so far. There is no sensation...

Soaring with Sonex

...work out the details, I would be building a Xenos right now. It is a near perfect aircraft for me. I could base it at an airport 20 minutes from...

Chopper is Born Series Available on DVD

The popular Discovery Wings television series A Chopper is Born is now available on DVD. The 15-part series has aired worldwide and features the building of an Exec 162F kit...

So Long, Turbo Tom

...embodied the spirit of homebuilding-he had a genuine love for sport aviation, glider flying, airplane building and engine tweaking. He was an excellent writer and performed a worthwhile service in...

Building a RotorWay 162F, Part 8

  KITPLANES Magazine, November 1997 Building a RotorWay 162F Part 8 of 8: We’re finished and flying the new RotorWay helicopter. by Jeff Dunham   It’s hard to believe, but...

Building a RotorWay 162F, Part 7

  KITPLANES Magazine, September 1997Building a RotorWay 162FPart 7 of 8: We  finish the new helicopter.by Jeff Dunham  It’s been seven short months and our RotorWay 162F kit helicopter is...

Building a RotorWay 162F, Part 5

  KITPLANES Magazine, July 1997 Building a RotorWay 162FPart 5 of 8: Installing powerplant and driveby Jeff Dunham After completing all the control system steps in the last issue, the big...

Building a RotorWay 162F, Part 6

...it really flies.   If you are building right now or if you’re planning on undertaking the building of a kit aircraft, you’re about to do what man has only dreamed...

Building a RotorWay 162F, Part 4

Part 4 of 8: Installing Controls by Jeff Dunham At this point in our building process–with a fully assembled and painted airframe, a temporarily installed main shaft, and the body...

Building a RotorWay 162F, Part 2

KITPLANES Magazine, April 1997Building a RotorWay 162FPart 2 of 8: Unpackingby Jeff Dunham Last issue we looked at RotorWay International and its history, and we studied the actual 162F helicopter...

In Case You Missed It

Light Stuff

This years Sebring Expo was a harbinger of the future for Light Sport Aircraft, and it appears relatively steady. By Dave Martin.

Retirement Project

A backcountry Bearhawk built for comfort, cross-country cruising and cargo capacity.

Light Stuff

Roy Beisswenger takes a look at the maintenance requirements for the lighter side of aviation including ultralights and Light Sport Aircraft.

AirVenture 2021: Surprise, No Surprise

Editor's log.