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Lancair Evolution

Airplane development is never a straight, narrow path. From the initial design concept-hopefully imbued with savvy market research and a firm understanding of the category-through early development, prototyping, testing, building...


...imagined it could take so long to complete, but I suppose getting married, having a child, doing an addition to a house, moving and building a 2500-square-foot hangar were factors-in...


...included into a revised 95.55 paragraph 1.8 with kitbuilt in paragraph 1.9, CAO 101.55. Amateur building of aircraft in Australia is administratively covered by CAO 100.18 Airworthiness Administration and Procedures-Amateur...

A Futuristic Anachronism

...tail to the building and started the engine. With a friend to take a reading of the scales, he ran the engine up to several speeds to find where the...

All About Avionics, Part 6

...Lakeland and Oshkosh-literally building a portable GPS into the airplane has become popular and useful. With that in mind, lets look at the portable options that we’ve had experience with...

Vertical Power

...be sure and represents a complex but elegant solution to traditional wiring issues. Had this been available when I was building my Glastar Sportsman, I would have been seriously tempted...

What’s New

...relays to its inventory of aircraft building and maintenance supplies. Designed to protect radio gear, the self-contained AvMaster relay provides protection from voltage spikes in the aircrafts electrical system that...

Five Thousand Confirmed!

...communication with the folks who build them. New technology has allowed us to improve the kits dramatically, which has resulted in substantially reduced building times.  Our current completion rate is...


Build A Plane (BAP), the non-profit organization that helps kids learn science, technology, engineering and mathematics by building and refurbishing airplanes, is asking the aviation world for aircraft donations. BAP,...

Kitfox Rights Acquired by Sport Plane, LLC

...building the dream. Kits will be available again in fall 2006, and the first model to be produced will be the Series 7. At press time, the McBeans were using...

In Case You Missed It

Spinner Bulkheads – Getting the Spacing Right

If you have ever needed to change props or spinners on your completed homebuilt,...

Building on a Budget

Building his VW-powered Zenith CH 701 taught Wayne Clagg a lot about the consequences of powerplant choices… and much more.

Little Bird the Kitfox

Amy Laboda's Kitfox 4, Little Bird, won't break any speed records. But it will tuck nicely into a short turf airstrip in time for a barbecue.

Nitrile Gloves

If you're like me, you work on lots of things other than airplanes,...