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Aero ‘lectrics

...at tip-top charge without the need for commercial power. I also promised to give you some pointers on a full-house, off -the-grid power system for your hangar or airplane building...

Van’s RV-8: Sport Plane Standard Setter

...baby when I saw it fly away,” he says. Then Beverly suggested he try building. Klages flew a number of kit aircraft, but none of them felt right. Then he...


Clarence Leazenbys Zenith 701 This is my Zenith 701, which I started building in August 2004 and finished in May 2005. I worked almost full time doing all the work...

Van’s RV-8: Sport Plane Standard Setter

...when I saw it fly away, he says. Then Beverly suggested he try building. Klages flew a number of kit aircraft, but none of them felt right. Then he went...

What’s New

...display. Building on the popularity of the 5.7-inch Enigma EFIS, the Odyssey maintains the same flexible architecture, but adds screen real estate and a higher performance processor thats able to...

Light Stuff

Light StuffChoices, choices.One mans SLSA decision. John Horn learned to fly and got his private license with the U.S. Army ROTC at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks. That caused...

A Sign of the Zodiac (Part 4)

...College showed up, and life around the hangar became very interesting in the fall of 2006. I wouldn’t have missed a single minute of it. As a plane-building novice, I...

Builder Liability and You

You labored long and hard building your perfect plane. You flew it, enjoyed it, and along the way demonstrated the safety of your beloved aircraft. Now, though, its time to...

Wag-Aero Super Sport

...4000 kits and sets of plans to date. Felton always loved the Cub concept of great short-field performance with peerless downward visibility. After building and operating an Evans VP-2, he...

Lancair Evolution

Airplane development is never a straight, narrow path. From the initial design concept—hopefully imbued with savvy market research and a firm understanding of the category—through early development, prototyping, testing, building...

In Case You Missed It

Kit Stuff


Oil Recycling

We all try our best to recycle and protect the environment. We haul waste...

Flight Review: Jabiru J230 Light Sport

Marc Cook flies the nimble, LSA-compliant Jabiru J230, and finds the two-seater offers a smooth ride with a decidedly Outback attitude.