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...for day and night VFR and has auxiliary gas tanks. During the three years of building, I had frequent consultations with the friendly Zenith folks for advice and help conveyed...

Around the Patch

Major revisions to the so-called 51% Rule could have a dramatic-and negative-impact on homebuilding. The FAA has released the final report from the Amateur-Built Aircraft Aviation Rulemaking Committee containing plans...


...whipper-snappers (I think they’re called geeks now) who can help. Those guys are always rattling on about building their own machine out of sticks and rocks. However, it seems to...

News: On Changes to 51% Rule Guidance, VanGrunsven “Cautiously optimistic.”

...publish a draft of the revised Advisory Circulars, builders can continue their work with a clear conscience. “If you’re now building a 51% rule compliant kit, there’s no problem. The...

Update: Dan Parker's Altitude Attempt

KITPLANES readers will recall a recent article about Dan Parker and his High Flyer (January 2008 issue). He is in the process of designing and building an aircraft that he...

Rotorway’s Talon

...improved it, simplified the building process and extended the life of all of the critical components. With more than 1600 kits sold, and more than 700 flying, RotorWays line is...

The Unintimidated Builder

You have the big sunglasses and a fat watch…hey, cant fly a plane without em. You even swagger past the Cessna and Piper types, because you’re building your own airplane....

Are We There Yet?

...way. After the first year and a half of kit building, it was time to deal with the instrument panel. Rex learned to fly with the Wright brothers, I think,...


...at Sonex has been wonderful to deal with. They are first class in all respects. To those of you who are still in the building process, keep at it. It...

Around the Patch

...building airplanes for RANS, though the core company dates back another nine years to three-wheeled “sailtrikes.” Bicycles became part of the mix in the early 1980s, and they continue to...

In Case You Missed It

This Fly Baby is the Katz’ Meow!

In the early 1960s, a young Jim Katz was absorbing page after page in...

Velocity V-Twin

Looking sleek as a spaceship, the new V-Twin inspires some strong feelings in flight reviewer Doug Rozendaal when he first sees it. Flying the plane only increases his enthusiasm.

Down to Earth

Amy Laboda has watched her first homebuilt (Kitfox) aircraft and her second daughter come of age in a way that illustrates some parallels between the two.


When Is an LSA Not an LSA?I always enjoy the annual compilation of aircraft...