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Rotorway’s Talon
...improved it, simplified the building process and extended the life of all of the critical components. With more than 1600 kits sold, and more than 700 flying, RotorWays line is...
The Unintimidated Builder
You have the big sunglasses and a fat watch…hey, cant fly a plane without em. You even swagger past the Cessna and Piper types, because you’re building your own airplane....
Are We There Yet?
...way. After the first year and a half of kit building, it was time to deal with the instrument panel. Rex learned to fly with the Wright brothers, I think,...
...at Sonex has been wonderful to deal with. They are first class in all respects. To those of you who are still in the building process, keep at it. It...
Around the Patch
...building airplanes for RANS, though the core company dates back another nine years to three-wheeled “sailtrikes.” Bicycles became part of the mix in the early 1980s, and they continue to...
...his RV-9A building partner, Rex Smith, is a retired Northwest Airlines captain. Starting on Page 33 is their story of an ever-evolving instrument panel and the background on the purchase...
Synergy Air Energizes Builders
...and dissatisfaction with rental airplanes drove him into homebuilding. There were so many RVs that he joined the crowd and spent less than three years finishing his own RV-6, which...
...better choice. This was my first Experimental/Amateur-Built plane, and I enjoyed building it so much that I built many parts twice just for the fun of it. I received the...
Down to Earth
...of building our most recent project, I believe that my husband and I can safely say that we meet Charles definition of commitment. The first page of our Vans RV-10...
...Are the plans for this worthwhile project still available? I would also like to thank you for the fine article by Mr. Fuentes on truly affordable aircraft building. He mentions...