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Quickbuild RV Workshop
...the specifics of dealing with fiberglass to get it right the first time, building trouble-free wiring, getting a professional looking canopy and preparing the airplane for paint. After the coursework is...
Amy's RV-10: Is This Builder's Remorse?
...about building for the adventure of it, or to be able to say it is all yours. He’s an A&P.; Even if he had not built it, he could work...
The $30,000 RV-9A
Fred Galloway is a bricklayer not a financial genius. But to those who know him around the Santa Ynez (California) airport, his airplane-building skills and, more to the point, his...
The $30,000 RV-9A
Fred Galloway is a bricklayer not a financial genius. But to those who know him around the Santa Ynez (California) airport, his airplane-building skills and, more to the point, his...
Unbreaking the Bank
...them as you would any conventional Experimental/Amateur-Built airplane and fly them as a Sport Pilot. What could be better? How about building your dream LSA on a working stiffs budget?...
...for day and night VFR and has auxiliary gas tanks. During the three years of building, I had frequent consultations with the friendly Zenith folks for advice and help conveyed...
Around the Patch
Major revisions to the so-called 51% Rule could have a dramatic-and negative-impact on homebuilding. The FAA has released the final report from the Amateur-Built Aircraft Aviation Rulemaking Committee containing plans...
...whipper-snappers (I think they’re called geeks now) who can help. Those guys are always rattling on about building their own machine out of sticks and rocks. However, it seems to...
News: On Changes to 51% Rule Guidance, VanGrunsven “Cautiously optimistic.”
...publish a draft of the revised Advisory Circulars, builders can continue their work with a clear conscience. “If you’re now building a 51% rule compliant kit, there’s no problem. The...
Update: Dan Parker's Altitude Attempt
KITPLANES readers will recall a recent article about Dan Parker and his High Flyer (January 2008 issue). He is in the process of designing and building an aircraft that he...