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Mike and Gail Smiths RV-7A Here is what the finished product looks like after three and a half years of riveting, glass work, sanding, flight testing and, finally, painting. Come...
Down to Earth
...to each individual aircraft. It makes sense. The DAR is there to verify that the work you did in building your aircraft is correct and that the plane is worthy of...
Still Aiming High
...be as low as the weight given Parkers clever approach to building: no lathe, mill or sheet-metal tools. Anything that needs machining goes from a CAD layout to a shop,...
...tell anyone else. And are you ashamed of your home airport? Nice story about the Jabiru, but where are you building it? 3. Dear Ms. Laboda: As an 18-year-old, I took...
Unusual Attitude
...in the building process. As you look around at people you know who are building airplanes, ask yourself how many are involved in true husband and wife partnerships as compared...
To Launch a Light Sport
...the experience. One year and 640 hours into the building of the J250. In the year spent building, the factory has changed a lot of the manual. Indeed, I’ve received...
...got my ultralight license with USUA and my Private Pilot license flying a Cessna Skyhawk. I received my airworthiness certificate in October 2007. I enjoyed the building process, focusing only...
Lancair ES-P
...to accomplish—these are true “Don’t try this at home” building issues. Simon’s motivation for building the first ES-P wasn’t self flagellation, though that seems the obvious answer. No, it had...
The Home Machinist
...four holes in the crankcase opposite the cylinders. Those were tapped and plugged with 15/16-inch pipe plugs and the excess was filed off. The trio started by building what they...
Homebuilt Aircraft Safety 1998-2008
...Building a brand new airplane doesn’t give the owner any experience in interpreting wear patterns on used parts. Incipient problems on relatively new amateur-built aircraft are apparently not being recognized...