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Designer Spotlight: Lawrence B. Sperry

...A. Edison at the 1918 Dayton airshow, on a windy day. Ironically, he ended up blown onto the cornice of the Air Service building downtown. No problem. He re-inflated the...

Freedom to See It Differently

Unless you’re building something with a classic look and feel-an aircraft that demands round instruments-you probably have some type of EFIS in your future. Increasing reliability combined with decreasing cost...

To Launch a Light Sport

...is an essential part of building, and someone suggested that I add extra bracing and even described how to do it. By the way, this need not be done prior...

Unusual Attitude

...for another of his Bullwhip Baslees House of Pain building sessions with Sweetie and me building her a DH-2. Robert said what he always says: Sure. When do you want...

Product Review: Garmin GMA 240

...transmit on separate radios simultaneously. All great stuff that many pilots covet. But what if you’re creating something simpler? Say you’re building a four-place-or-fewer aircraft with a pair of nav/coms,...

Ask the DAR

...turn and look at the building instructor or assistant for guidance at this point. Electronic logbook entries are acceptable, and may make it easier to tally hours devoted to various...

Engine Beat

...available at hardware or building supply stores. MEK is an extremely hot cleaner; even one sniff of this stuff causes brain drain, so preferably go with Hoppes or acetone. After...


...building a little bit and several people on my home field are either building or thinking about building their own aircraft. I started building the airplane in early 2005, and...


...in that airplane when I was building it in the living room, Bohannon said. Its emotional for us to see it there, and to sit in the Hilton Welcome Theater...

Cable-Exit Fairings

...made easily from either aluminum or fiberglass. Building It The shape of the fairing is a tapering section of a cone surrounded by mounting flanges on the long axis. To...

In Case You Missed It

Editor’s Log

In some of the impressive projects described in this issue, and the dedication and passion of their designers and builders, Editor-in-Chief Mary Bernard finds reasons to be hopeful about the future of aviation.

Tall Transmission Tales

(Antennas, Chapter 3)

Building the 750SD XTREME: Part 14

Out of the holding pattern, onto the panel.

Marking a Constant Gap

Save time and effort marking a uniform trim distance. By KITPLANES® Staff.