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Build a Bear: Mellow Yellow

...Luckily, my good friend and building buddy, Ed Zaleski, likes to paint, so I knew I could get through this. Building the Booth Before we could paint anything, we needed...


...building my Nieuport 28 from his kit. I received outstanding support throughout the building process. Hes definitely the expert in WW-I replica airplanes. I think you’ll see the airplane Ive...

Ask the DAR

...am building a RANS S-19 kit.I am under the impression that I am responsible for proving to the FAA that I built 51% of this plane.Does that make it an...

Flight Review: Horse Perennial

...mph. Long’s plan was to put the aircraft into production, as homebuilding was almost unknown in the late 40s, and Schweizer Aircraft in Elmira, New York, had agreed to build...

The Independence Project: Avionics

...Garmin SL40 com radio and Garmin transponder. Not shown are the Flightcom intercom and Artex 406 MHz ELT remote switch. The first four installations of this series covered building the...

The Dawn Patrol

...the big perks about building and flying a WW-I replica. You get asked, no, begged, to bring them to airshows. In some cases, like the show we were heading to,...

Around the Patch

...best magazine for people who really are serious about building aircraft, the practical, hands-on focus is king, and within that focus naturally appear the answers to all of the major...

Flight Review: Jabiru J230 Light Sport

...smooth, consistent landings are yours. Building, Then Flying In every flight regime sampled, the J230 performed admirably, and leaves the impression of a good-natured, docile and easy-to-understand aircraft. To that,...

Aero ‘lectrics

...yes, its that simple. But we all know where the devil resides. Building It First, we need to come to some resolution about what temperatures we want to set our...

Build a Bear: Put the Fabric in Fabrication

...nice. One of the great and somewhat unexpected benefits of building airplanes has been meeting great people like Steve and Heidi. We hope that building the Cub will serve as...

In Case You Missed It

Design Process: Slipstream Effects

In preliminary design and for performance calculations, we treat the engine, propeller and airframe...

Design Process: Horizontal Tail

The horizontal tail has two functions. It provides control power to trim and maneuver...

The Creative Homebuilder

Heavy-duty control cables.

How Bad Could a Prop Strike Be?

A prop strike, even at very low speed and power, is a serious matter.