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Building the 750SD XTREME: Part 15
One of the most common questions I get: What is the difference between the Zenith 750 Super Duty and the 750 Super Duty Xtreme (SDX) I’m building? Basically: What makes...
Where Do Airplane Parts Come From?
...Huxley Hovermobile because a bird aggressively introduced itself to its leading edge. Horse Shows and Lightning Strikes Homebuilding is not big business. The kit aircraft industry relies on—nay, requires—suppliers both...
Fiberglass Magic: A Better-Fitting Rear Seat Back
...building up the flange that overlaps the rear bulkhead slightly makes the assembly more substantial anyway. Make sure to fill the thick micro mixture so that it sits proud of...
2025 Propeller Buyer’s Guide
...MT Propeller German propeller manufacturer MT has steadily grown in prominence since its inception in 1981, building natural composite blades with hub styles up to an astounding 11 blades, for...
Something to Crow About
My customer relationship with Crow Enterprizes (their name back then) goes back 20 years to when I was building my RV-8. I was building my first real aerobatic airplane and,...
Building an Addiction
Red Jensen and budding new friend. Knowing that building a one-off single-seater is “nuts” hasn’t stopped Red from really trying. The fuselage seen here is part of a rigid, 15...
ScaleBirds P-36 Hawk
...kits and plans for warbird replicas have been part of the homebuilding landscape for almost as long as homebuilding has been around. Varying in scale, weight and power, some mimic...
PolyGone – This Stuff Works!
I am usually disappointed when I turn to chemicals to try and ease the process of building or working on airplanes. Paint strippers? Forget them—they’re wimps these days. So I...
James Aircraft’s State of the Art
...fiberglass and, in addition to its aviation uses, you can find it in mass transit floors, ceilings and doors, watercraft decks, panels and bulkheads, and in building and architectural elements....
Best of Both Worlds
...homebuilt you own but didn’t build. It is easy to see why so many prefer going the route of building their own aircraft when so many advantages are included. Now,...