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DynaVibe Prop Balancer

...or turbine powerplants. Optional NIST traceable calibration is also available, which makes the DynaVibe appropriate for use on certified aircraft. DynaVibe displays the magnitude and phase of propeller vibration, allowing...

Comp Air 9

...personal/utility category is the Comp Air 9. The company’s previous turbine-powered high-wing designs were generally based on the Walter turbine of about 650 shaft horsepower, modified from piston-engine form, a...

Epic Aircraft Shows First Customer-Built Victory and Escape Designs

Epic Aircraft’s Rick Schramek announced that the first two “customer-built” Victory and Escape turbine aircraft had been completed and were displayed at Sun ‘n Fun. The Victory is a single-engine...

What’s New

...is $234. Contact Kuntzleman Electronics at 610/326-9068, or visit www.kestrobes.com. Sherpa Flying with New Engine The massive Sherpa homebuilt is flying again behind a new K650 Honeywell turbine, last seen...

25th Anniversary: Engines of Change

...made it into large-scale production. The first of his new kits were to be powered by a 420-hp Allison turbine engine and a pusher prop, which would yield an estimated...

RotorWay Moving toward Certified Heli with Acquisition

Arizona-based RotorWay International announced that it has acquired PMC Machining and Manufacturing of Phoenix, accelerating its plans to build an FAA-certified two-seat turbine helicopter. RotorWay says PMCs 20 years of...

Pondering Powerplants

...will stay stationary at idle, kind of like a turbine. Warrens PSRUs are designed to work with any Chevrolet four-, six- or eight-cylinder engine built since 1955, and are easily...

Alternative Realities

...read all I could find about the various V-8, Wankel rotary engine, RSN (real soon now) diesels and even small turbine alternative engines. I discovered the Eggenfellner Subaru conversions at...

Sherpa Utility Aircraft Flying Again With Big Horsepower

The massive Sherpa homebuilt, which has seen more than its fair share of delays, is flying again behind a new K650 Honeywell turbine, last seen as the Garrett TPE331, producing...

Sherpa Utility Aircraft Flying Again With Big Horsepower

The massive Sherpa homebuilt, which has seen more than its fair share of delays, is flying again behind a new K650 Honeywell turbine, last seen as the Garrett TPE331, producing...

In Case You Missed It

Firewall Forward: Oil Coolers and Oil Lines

The right oil cooler, installed correctly, can maximize your engine’s life. Of course, you’ll also need to consider crankcase breathers, oil separators, oil filters, oil lines and connections.

The One True Airspeed

True airspeed is coy. It hides behind the more obvious speeds who tart themselves...

Warm Up Your Engine This Winter

Count yourself fortunate if you live in a region where winter does not bring...

The Home Machinist

Charlie Taylor, the Wright brothers trusted right-hand man and machinist, made their early powered flight experiments possible. And he built the engine using only a drill press, a lathe, a simple scale and more than a little ingenuity; by Bob Fritz.