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Turbine Temptation - search results
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Detail Man
...flew it some, but discovered his needs had changed and sold it to John Cook, a South African expat and Walter turbine importer now living in DeLand, Florida. At last...
Velocity, Increased
...with turbine speed and piston efficiency on a high-performance, single-engine acquisition budget? Most experienced pilots and aircraft owners would say, “Yeah, right.” Or perhaps, “You’re dreaming.” Just as there’s no...
Kerosene Dreams
...the next detent, and the turbine starts sucking and squeezing air. At the next detent, the turbine spins faster, a pump squirts a steady stream of fuel into the combustion...
Constant-Speed Props
...and are in the market for a propeller. Where do you turn? Avia. The company offers a full line of propellers for piston and turbine aircraft with engines ranging from...
Garmin Introduces Engine Monitoring and Autopilot to the G3X Suite
...to six cylinder head temperature (CHT) inputs • Up to six exhaust gas temperature (EGT) inputs • Dual turbine inlet temperature • Carburetor temperature • Dual voltage inputs • Dual...
Garmin Introduces Engine Monitoring and Autopilot to the G3X Suite
...Up to six exhaust gas temperature (EGT) inputs Dual turbine inlet temperature Carburetor temperature Dual voltage inputs Dual current measurements (shunt or Hall effect) Fuel flow (single or differential) Trim...
Lancair Announces Simplified Pricing for Evolution
Lancair International announced today that it is changing the pricing strategy on its Evolution kit aircraft. Because both the turbine and piston aircraft are the same aft of the firewall,...
Ask the DAR
...change. A type change would be from a reciprocating engine to a turbine. If there was an actual type change, a new 8130-6 (airworthiness application) should be sent to the...
Lancair Announces Simplified Pricing for Evolution
Lancair International announced today that it is changing the pricing strategy on its Evolution kit aircraft. Because both the turbine and piston aircraft are the same aft of the firewall,...
2010 Engine Buyer’s Guide
...(Arizona) www.copperstateaero.com Leading Edge Air Foils (Wisconsin) www.leadingedge-airfoils.com Lockwood Aviation (Florida) www.lockwood-aviation.com CANADA Aero Propulsion Technologies 450/510-1561 www.rotaxservice.com Need a Turbine? Aerotek Aviation (www.aerotekaviation.ca, 418/802-5278) will prepare an example of...