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Turbine Temptation - search results
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Alternative Energies
...turbines are large, sometimes topping more than 300 feet, with huge blades that critics say threaten birds and bats and create a low-frequency noise that causes something called wind-turbine syndrome,...
Engine Update: New Life for Old Radials
...set to be the motivator of all things large and wing-y. And then came the jets. While the turbine engine killed the big radials for use in military and civilian...
RANS S-7S Courier
...speed like it knew what it was doing. With full flaps, the picture over the nose remained full of detail, and I had to remind myself to resist the temptation...
Build It Better: Where’s Your Margin?
...an illusion—or worse, a temptation to do something unwise. Many Experimental airplanes today are better equipped than the light jets of a few years ago, and even better than some...
Making the Perfect Lancair
...360 came along with more power—150 horsepower and 180, respectively—and next Lancair got into the four-seat category in a big way with the IV, IV-P and IV-P turbine. Today, the...
Firewall Forward: Lycoming Engine Service School
...produces about 200 piston airplane engines per month. Turbine engines were also produced in an adjoining building at one time, but that division has since been sold. Know-how on the...
Engine Update
...figures, a hallmark of this new design is standard FADEC (full authority digital engine control). It’s not a true FADEC in the way the turbine world uses the term, where...
JPI EDM-900 Engine Analyzer at SNF
...with CD cell bias, EGT/CHT/TIT, USB port for downloading and uploading, a non-primary instrument area, turbine inlet temp and more, plus a message area where all functions show up by...
2012 Engine Buyers Guide
...quiet on the news front. (Plus, Lancair has been focused on refining and delivering the turbine Evolution, a surer bet in a soft, limited-volume market.) But it’s not dead, insists...
The Ultimate Upgrade
...the engine to 19% Ng—that’s the gas generator part of the turbine, the component the starter actually spins—and that’s above the minimum requirement. The igniters work, though it is too...