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Turbine Temptation - search results
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Highly Evolved
...fuel is introduced and the work is done. The first turbine power wheel powers the compressor section and the two subsequent power turbine wheels drive the propeller. This provides for...
Whats New
Wicks Aircraft Offers Comprehensive O-Ring Assortment Wicks Aircraft is now offering a large yet inexpensive solution to the problem of finding the right O-ring at the right time. “The temptation...
Ask the DAR
...same “type” as the engine being replaced. If you were changing to a different type of engine such as a turbine, that would be a different matter. Likewise, if you...
2013 Rotorcraft Buyers Guide
...The biggest regulatory challenge can be getting approval for alternative engines, if the alternative engine is a turbine. It seems that more and more Experimental helicopters are being built as...
Alternative Energies
...self-launching JetHawk with a 240-pounds-thrust TJ-100 retractable turbine engine, requiring an 8-inch fuselage stretch and a new vertical tail for lower drag, with slightly more area than the DuckHawk’s. Windward...
2013 Kit Aircraft Buyers Guide
...its current designs to four: the Evolution Turbine, Evolution Piston, Lancair Legacy and Lancair Legacy FG. Only remaining stock will be sold for the rest. We were unable to track...
Plexiglas Play
...patience. Do not surrender to the temptation to see rapid results—trying to go too fast can generate temperatures in excess of 240°, which spells disaster. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to completely...
Supermarine Aircraft Mk 26B
...forward. It is interesting for an inveterate Lycoming driver to have so much oomph available with only a single lever (no mixture or prop controls), but if you think turbine,...
...coiled vents as “adequate” but not “superior” to the original design. Just Throwin’ It Out There Why doesn’t someone develop a wind-powered turbine to generate electricity during flight? It could...
Composite Helicopters International Shows Flying Prototype at Oshksoh
...turbine helicopter kit is on display at the New Zealand Pavilion (Booth 406) at AirVenture. “The KC-518 is designed around the shape of the great white shark because it is...