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Turbine Temptation - search results

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Souls On Board: Two

...by anyone’s definition—requires only one pilot to fly. Interestingly enough, it would not qualify for the dual-pilot program because it has a turbine engine. Powerplant Eligibility In order to qualify...

Maintenance Matters

...be tracked down and removed. The temptation to let it go can be strong, but it should be resisted. 2) Seats and safety belts—for poor condition and apparent defects. Obviously,...

Practical Electrical

...switches the load demands of a turbine engine starter motor—generally 1000+ amps! This is not a trivial achievement in meeting design goals. Given that this battery is qualified to fly...

Still Young at 35

...the ever-present temptation to install bigger powerplants has a low return on investment unless paired with a constant-speed prop. On the other hand, I’m quite pleased with my 7-inch SkyView...

Friday Afternoon at the Electric Aircraft Symposium: Part Two of a Three-part Report

...of an airfoil, or jets of air to stabilize airflow and tailor lift to the actual flow over a wing or wind turbine. This kind of smoothing will be of...

Maintenance Matters

...parts, dry them off with compressed air by blowing parallel to the rollers only. Resist the temptation to spin the bearing with compressed air. Spinning the bearing when it is...

How the Pros Do It: Ripley Air

...a way of arriving at his door…little things like installing a 570ci stroker V-8 in a Stewart Mustang, or a turbine on a Lockheed AL-60. On the day of my...

Heat Shields Up!

...better” temptation. This is pretty substantial stuff. It is quite heavy at 9.5 ounces per square foot, versus less than 1 ounce per square foot for either 1/16-inch Fiberfrax or...

Practical Electrical

...isn’t much different. While getting a turbine engine started might start out at 1000 amps and taper to 300 amps over a period of 15–20 seconds, this huge demand of...

Editor’s Log

...the planet. This month, for example, we present the first of two parts of our annual look at engines. First off, we’ll apologize for excluding rockets and turbine powerplants. We...

In Case You Missed It


Turbo-Compound & More There was a turbocharger for motorcycles that had a variable-stator...

Evaluating Aircraft

How to test-fly an airplane and decide if it’s right for you.

Building Again

A plans resurgence? By Chad Jensen.

Ground Control

Don't let grounding problems short-circuit your avionics systems.