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Turbine Temptation - search results

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Lancair Sold!

...35 years of aviation experience to his new role, both as a business owner and pilot. With multiple ratings and over 17,000 flight hours in piston, turbine, helicopters and experimental...

Maintenance Matters

...one type of engine to another—reciprocating to turbine for example. The logbook should note the major change before the first test flight and be properly endorsed at the end of...

Rear Cockpit

...the reciprocal heading to the piston aces is that portion of the turbine crowd that got too much starch from the laundry. It’s all numbers and procedures to these guys,...

Becoming a Designated Airworthiness Representative (DAR)

...if that is your experience, but everything is fair game including turbine questions. It is not likely that you will be tested on that, if for no other reason than...

2017 Engine Buyer’s Guide

...as a complete firewall forward package for the Van’s RV-10. Contact Turbine Solutions Group in Deland, Florida, for more information, or read Amy Laboda’s flight review [“Turbine-Powered RV-10“] in the...

Continental Motors Group™ announces new Web Site

...full range of services: Continental Motors, Titan, and LYCOMING® piston engine overhauls. P&WC® PT-6™ turbine repairs, overhauls and parts sales. Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) services for single and twin...

Aero ‘lectrics

...is in large turbine aircraft, it is still a cheap, easy way for you to keep from spending literally hundreds of hours later troubleshooting the electrical system in your aircraft...

New Turbine Venom Hits the Skies

The latest version of the Turbine Legend – the Venom has made its first fight in Florida, and the company is promising to complete its flight test program in the...

Rapid Prototyping and Experimental Design

...that economize foam usage. Avoid the temptation to bond the foam to the base with construction or similar adhesive. You will not get an even bond line, and any unbonded...

Resin Infusion

...intended) forever. However, the popularity of infusion in commercial production (notably boat hulls and wind turbine blades) has spurred the development of low-viscosity structural resins designed for free flow. Compared...

In Case You Missed It

Error Chain

The takeoff might better have been described as a launch. With the new 150-hp...

Kit Stuff


Seeing in the Dark

Grand Rapids Technologies FLIR provides an extra margin of safety for night ops.

Constant-Speed Props

How do they work?