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Turbine Temptation - search results

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3 Years, 1 Minute, and 40 Seconds

I regularly swing by Dan Gray’s Aviation F/X, a custom fab shop that specializes in BD-5s, turbine Legends, Questair Ventures, and other experimental exotica at the opposite end of the...

Garmin releases updates for TXi flight displays, GTN navigators, GFC autopilots and the G5...

...altitude select, heading, vertical speed and more. This compatibility significantly reduces pilot workload. Course deviation indication (CDI) and VDI preview A popular feature in turbine class aircraft, a CDI preview...

Hartzell Propeller Sponsors Tech Talks, Pilot Proficiency & Air Shows at AirVenture

...debrief ahead of time, visit www.EAAPilotProficiency.com. Air Shows Props by Hartzell Propeller are standard equipment on many of the world’s leading piston and turbine airplanes and are used extensively by...

Editor’s Log

...be found in our aircraft right now is astounding. It was not that long ago that an airplane flying a coupled approach to minimums was turbine powered and carrying passengers...

Ask the DAR

...“If the major change includes installing a different engine (reciprocating to turbine) or a change of a fixed-pitch from or to a controllable propeller, the aircraft owner must fill out...

Largest Yet: Mojave Experimental Fly-In 2018

...flying. Photos by Tom Wilson and courtesy Cathy Hansen 2018 Mojave Experimental Fly-In Winners Best Overall–Mike Patey, Lancair Legacy Turbine Turbulence Best Design–Mike Patey, Lancair Legacy Turbine Turbulence Best Build–Bruce...

Around the World and Over Both Poles

...to others who might cross the Antarctic following in his tracks. Although the temptation of even more rest was alluring, there was always the flight schedule calling Michel to fly,...

Jet Eze

...at 17,000 feet burning about 31 gallons an hour. But keep in mind, outside air temperature and altitude greatly affect fuel burn. With turbine engines the lower you go, the...

Homebuilt Accidents: Comparing the Causes

...how wide ranging homebuilts are. Homebuilt seat counts span from a single seat to six or more, designs range from lightweight fun machines to turbine-powered rockets. There is, in fact,...

Light Planes Perform Better

...of thinking. Lithium batteries are another weight saver that has become very popular. Ted, of course, couldn’t resist the temptation to save an easy 10 pounds by taking advantage of...

In Case You Missed It

Light Stuff

Roy Beisswenger discusses a rational path for owners of sport aircraft to become commercially rated.

Roll Your Own Pitot Tube Cover

An easy solution when commercially available covers wont fit. By Axel Alvarez.

Leaking Gascolator

This was a very dangerous discovery—the gascolator had a very pronounced dripping leak,...


Advice for flying in Alaska.