Twenty-four seaplanes were expected at the Mike Brown Splash-In on Memorial Day. However seaplane pilots prefer their water under the fuselage, not on the windshield, and only three local aircraft were able to make it to Obexer’s Boat Yard on the west coast of
It was interesting, though, to compare the takeoff at 6225 feet elevation of a C180 turning a turbocharged O-540, a DeHavilland DH-2 Beaver and a SeaRey, well known to KITPLANES readers (cover subject, May 2007). John Spratt’s turbocharged N48CJ was off in less than 15 seconds; the others took as long as 90.
Good food and the beauty of the region lifted the spirits of the attendees above the 44°, 10 knots of wind and the occasional rain shower. You might want to consider making plans to attend the event in 2009.