We’re glad to see Experimental Aircraft Association and the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association joining forces where it makes sense. That was clearly visible this morning when we spotted a long line at what turned out to be AOPA’s Rusty Pilots seminar at the EAA national convention. Up early must be part of knocking off the rust; today’s seminar was a pre-8 a.m. breakfast meeting. A second Rusty Pilots seminar is scheduled for Saturday.
In Case You Missed It
Consider a Second Look
I would chance a guess that most aircraft kits are primarily built by one...
You know those engine vendors you usually see at the big annual air shows? Where do they go when they disappear? Detective Rick Lindstrom is on the case.
Ask the DAR
Mel Asberry - 0
Deregistration, operating limitations, amateur status, and finding a DAR.
Build Your Skill: Composites, Part 5
In this series installment, author Bob Fritz takes you through the basics of building a carbon fiber tank, including measuring, layout, patterns, cutting, epoxy-flox application, sanding, sawing, epoxying and finish work.