There is a requirement for an annual ELT check to be entered into the aircraft logbooks. The batteries must be replaced prior to the expiration date or when half of their useful life has passed. Some ELT battery packs are only made and approved by the manufacturer, and others can use standard D cell batteries. Both of these were discovered to be past due when they came in for a condition inspection.
In Case You Missed It
Bob Hadley - 0
If you're going to get a welder for aircraft work, it should be a TIG machine.
The Dawn Patrol
Dick Starks - 0
Hummel UltraCruiser builder Dennis Brooks came to Liberty Landing looking for a place to store his airplane, and left with some new friends and a test flight courtesy of The Dawn Patrol.
Rabbit Holes
Conquering unforeseen challenges when building, flying, and maintaining an aircraft.
Alternative Energies
Dean Sigler - 0
In his debut column, Dean Sigler introduces the CAFE Foundation and explains its efforts to promote green technologies for aviation.