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Rapid Prototyping and Experimental Design - search results

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Turbo Power, Part 3

...the FAA intended with its Experimental category, this project was indeed a learning experience. Making it Airworthy    Before we could have the FAA inspector come by, we had to make the...

Flying the Baby Belle

...large amount of time and energy to design and create an automotive conversion in the large area available under the transmission. Or how about a turbine? As a rule of...

Auto Engines for Aircraft, Part 1

...successful engineering depends on a combination of knowledge, analysis, experimentation and test.     A lack of knowledge and analysis means more experimentation and test. In aircraft powerplant design, this can lead...

Auto Engines for Aircraft, Part 2

 KITPLANES Magazine, August 2001Auto Engines for Aircraft Part 2 of an engineering perspective on these popular conversions. By Terry EdwardsLast month we covered some of the differences between engines designed...

Composite Flats, Part 2

...have outstanding fatigue resistance. They process easily with catalyst systems and have low toxicity. Vinylester saved weight and facilitated a float design with the structural capacity to flex and absorb...

Homebuilt vs. Certified

...were a number of interlocked corporations formed to minimize legal liability. At some point, Arlington Aircraft Development licensed the design to OMF, whose version is the Symphony; OMF then made...

First Time Builders

...things. Getting Real A few first-time aircraft homebuilders have completed unbelievably difficult projects including the original design and scratch-building of every part of some complex airplane. But most people considering...

In Case You Missed It

DIY Adjustable Rib Centerline Marking Tool

As a new builder I came quickly to the step of needing to mark rib centerlines to align the ribs with the predrilled holes in the skin.

Ask the DAR

Increasing gross weight, adding IFR to operating limitations, transponder requirements.

Plane and Simple

Filling without spilling.

Down and Locked

Why do pilots forget to put their wheels down?