In Case You Missed It
Avidyne IFD540
Avidyne's new IFD540 GPS navigator will offer an easy replacement for Garmin GNS users.
Unusual Attitude
Guest columnist Bob Collins takes on those who would rush the airplane building process in the name of getting real about the project. To him, the journey is as important as the destination, and he believes he has his priorities straight when he occasionally puts family and friends ahead of spending an extra hour or two in the garage.
Fiberglass Parts Holder
Photo 1. Fiberglass parts sitting on the hangar floor are easily damaged by...
A Bit About Blades
Like a wing, a propeller blade is characterized by its area, planform, and airfoil cross section.
This Is an EXCELlent Idea
For a long time after I bought my first airplane (N2014V, the Cessna 120...