Dennis Hasha, Homebuilder Headquarters Registration Chair told KITPLANES that 1031 homebuilt aircraft had flown in and registered at AirVenture as of noon today. A total of of 2003 show planes (homebuilts, aerobatic, seaplanes, vintage, classic, and ultralights) have registered. There will undoubtedly be a few more homebuilts arriving tonight and tomorrow morning.
In Case You Missed It
Roll Your Own
Builders Ken Scott and Ken Kruegers unique project is off the drawing board and into production. They're working with the engine builder, the wing is behind them, the nosebowl is taking shape-and the fuselage is taking over the living room;
Vans RV-14
The latest RV prompted quite a buzz. So what exactly is different about this roomy two-seater—and how does it fly? Taking off from the Van’s factory in Oregon, Paul Dye samples the new design.