Home 2024


In Case You Missed It

Ly-Con O-Ring Trick

When you join two halves of a flat aviation engine together, they often weep between the starter and the alternator. Not only is this unsightly, its wasteful and makes completing an overhaul more cumbersome than need be. Enter Ly-Con, whose groovy O-ring process promises to stop leaks before they start.


Ben Haass STOL Zenith 801, featuring a Ford V-8 auto conversion, made quite a first impression at AirVenture 09. This month, he tells Rick Lindstrom what makes it all work.

Ray Stits Remembered

Designer of 15 Experimentals, inventor of the Poly-Fiber covering system, and founder of EAA Chapter 1, he was an aviation ambassador for all. By Amy Laboda.

Plexiglas Play

The advantages of Plexiglas are many, but there are some important things to know about working with it and maintaining it.