Home 2019


Breezer II


In Case You Missed It

MGL Infinity Singles

MGL Avionics/Stratomaster has cut a nice swath through the EFIS and discrete-electronic-instrument world. The company’s ALT-1, from its Infinity Singles line, makes a good, low-cost backup altimeter with a surprising list of features. By Marc Cook.

Old World, New Engines

After putting another $140 into the gas tanks of my 300-hp biplane, I have...

25th Anniversary: Homebuilts – The Enduring Soul of Innovation

This month we reflect on the changes we've seen over a quarter century of covering the homebuilt aircraft world; by Cindy Pedersen.

What’s New

Two RANS kits return to production, Aircraft Spruce offers the Castleberry electric attitude indicator, and two Six Chuter SLSAs are certified.