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In Case You Missed It

Tips for Setting Up Shop

Why would a new guy offer advice about how to set up a shop?...

15 Ways to Make Your Airplane Safer

Ed Wischmeyer reminds us of some simple maintenance tasks that will help keep an aircraft shipshape.

Wind Tunnel

The author discusses the theory and effect of constant-speed propellers on piston-engine airplane performance, and compares fixed-pitch versus constant-speed props, effect on thrust HP and propulsion, the comprises involved in choosing a prop, how props perform in various conditions and phases of flight, how variable-pitch props work, and why a constant-speed prop is the best choice for high-performance aircraft.

The Staaken Z-21A Flitzer

Intended as an inter-war sportplane, the VW- or Jabiru-powered Staaken Flitzer delivers the goods in both performance and agility. These planes may not appear sleek, but they’re a blast to fly.