Five Light Sport Aircraft manufacturers and distributors are staging a flying show of six cities throughout Florida after the Sebring LSA Expo. We wanted to create an intimate atmosphere for purchasers to see planes without the noise of a show, said Bill Canino of Sportair USA, one of the participants. Buyers like to get up close and personal with the planes, and the people behind the planes, added Jim Julius of SportPlanes Florida.
Participants on the tour include American Legend Aircraft, Flight Design South East, RANS Aircraft, Sportair USA and Aircraft include the Legend Cub, CTLS, Sting, Jabiru, Sirius and others.
The group has scheduled six stops:
Tuesday 1/25, Naples (KAPF), Naples Air Center, 239/643-1717
Wednesday 1/26, Tiamiami (KTMB), Premier One Aviation, 786/293-1440
Thursday 1/27, Orlando Executive (KORL), Air Orlando Aviation, 407/896-0721
Friday 1/28, Spruce Creek (7FL6), EAA (meet at the tree), 386/788-9528
Saturday 1/29, Leeward Air Ranch (FD04), EAA (Blaine Hoffman), 903/348-1519
Sunday 1/30, Tallahassee (KTLH), FlightLine Group, 903/348-1519
Each stop is being sponsored by EAA or a local flight school. Start time each day is 10 a.m., wrapping up at 3 p.m. Call each venue for more information.