The wing leading edge tube has also been cutaway to show the strengthening insert. It is a 5′ I-beam insert put in the load-bearing spars of all four wing spars.
Kitfox Aircraft set up a cutaway of a complete airplane. This provides an opportunity to see a Kitfox skeleton that a finished product doesn’t offer. The company is also displaying the wing showing the stages of covering steps in the Poly- Fiber process.
The completed side.The “open” side of the plane.Two-part glued joint connecting winglets and ribs to wing spar
Kitfox provide the Poly-Fiber system for covering the wings with their kits but will give a price break to builders who want to use one of the other systems.
From left to right, raw fabric with reinforcement tape before rib stitch, pink poly brush section with stitching, finished tape over stitching, silver UV poly spray, and white poly tone top coat paint.
Having problems drilling a precise hole in a tube? Ishmael Fuentes has the perfect-and inexpensive-solution with this nifty, easy-to-make V-block drill jig.