In Case You Missed It
What’s New
The new Lancair Evolution flies, and the Aircraft Electronics Association speaks out on ADS-B implementation. The Arlington Fly-In and EAA sign new agreement, and Garmin introduces the GPSMAP 495. Aircrafters LLC is the distributor for a new overhead lighting console.
It’s Toy Season!
Because few new products get announced at Sun ’n Fun, there’s often a dead zone between April and the big intros at AirVenture in July. But that doesn’t mean it’s total dullsville. A couple of new bits have caught my eye recently.
Arion Lightning
Test pilot Chuck Berthe flew the Arion Lightning not once but twice, in two different factory demonstrators.
Since I know Bob aka Robrucha, this cartoon brings out some laughs! My wife got a kick out of it as well!
Thanks for the note. The EAA Saturday morning breakfasts are one of the things that I miss the most! That was as wonderful bunch of folks, You and Edie included. It was good to see that you had “bequeathed” the leadership to someone else so you could get some work done on your two planes.
We are not travelling much these days largely due to my condiition but we have a very nice guest room here and we can reserve it anytime you want to come out and see what God’s country really looks like. I would not advise flying in except in severe CAVU because of the capricious winds along the front range that tear light planes apart. A learjet would be suggested. Otherwise w e would love to see you. Say hi to the rest of the gang. Bob C.