In Case You Missed It
University of Jabiru
Dave Prizio - 0
If you're considering or have already made the decision to use a Jabiru engine on your kit aircraft, Texas Sport Cub builder Dave Prizio says this three-day course will add to your confidence when installing and maintaining it.
Installing and Maintaining Your Pitot-Static System
Dave Prizio - 2
The pitot-static system is usually one of those items appearing on your to-do list...
More Than You Bargained For
It doesn't take a fortune to get a homebuilt aircraft completed and flying, and we look at a few designs that prove the point. By Marc Cook and Mary Bernard.
Safety Is No Accident: Canards
The appeal of canard-type designs hasn't faded, and the design was heralded as inherently safer because of its resistance to stalling. Ron Wanttaja reveals the veracity of that claim given the accident numbers.