It Takes a Village of Volunteers

Volunteers grill up hamburger meat and hot dogs preparing for the Volunteers Supper last night.

Hundreds of volunteers work hard for days or even months before the start of AirVenture but the homebuilt crew takes a break for awhile on Friday evening to enjoy a meal together under the Dick Van Grunsven Homebuilt Pavilion, next to the Homebuilt Camping area. Several representatives from the EAA also showed up, including EAA CEO Jack Pelton and Homebuilt Community Manager Charlie Becker. One of Pelton’s main messages was that he is confident that MOSAIC will continue moving forward. He also emphasized that the clean stall speed limit on MOSAIC planning had been raised to 58 knots but the EAA is still working for a maximum stall speed of 61 knots.

We owe a huge amount of gratitude to the hundreds (thousands?) of volunteers who make AirVenture work. Please try to make their work as easy as possible and share a word of thanks to the fluorescent vest and/or red tee shirt volunteers when you cross their paths.

Jack Pelton addresses the volunteers.


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