ScaleBirds P-36 Hawk

ScaleBirds, a newcomer to the kit manufacturing scene, chose to start their line of replica fighters with one of the first all-metal U.S. military pursuit ships of WW-II—the P-36.

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Eating the Elephant

One person can’t imagine eating a whole elephant. It’s simply impossible. But the answer to the idiomatic question remains: one bite at a time!

Shop Talk

Fixing Axle Fooly

Flat tires seem to come in clusters. You can go years without getting one, then for some reason, “boom” (actually, more like “psssss”), more flats in a month than a year or years.


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In Case You Missed It

Editor’s Log

While some aviation enthusiasts such as the Friends of the RV-1 devote their time to historic restoration, those at the Electric Aircraft Symposium contemplate what the future might bring. By Mary Bernard.


 Perils of PIOI must take exception to the statement, "The BD-5 suffered from a...

Unusual Attitude

Oshkosh AirVenture gave Ed Wischmeyer the opportunity to look around at the newest ideas in aviation and to think about the larger implications of what he was seeing. He speculates about what works, what doesn't and how manufacturers and consumers alike could make the world of flying a better place.

Editor’s Log

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Electric Dreams

Pipistrel’s gift to general aviation.