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Eating the Elephant

One person can’t imagine eating a whole elephant. It’s simply impossible. But the answer to the idiomatic question remains: one bite at a time!

Shop Talk

Master Caution

My original intent for this month’s treatise was to produce the first installment of my upcoming Kitfox build series, which I have been greatly looking forward to. However, as often happens in life, life itself got in the way.

Wanted: Engine Competition

Imagine a time not too long ago when pilots embarking on the delicious endeavor to build their own airplanes could consider multiple sources for just about any engine on the menu.


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In Case You Missed It

Batteries Included

Before the eXenos, Gabriel DeVault’s first electric aircraft was the eGull.

Sporty’s PJ2

For a couple‭ ‬of hundred bucks‭, ‬why‭ ‬argue about whether a handheld VHF‭ ‬com...


So, what's the Homebuilt Council?

Product Review: Glass Panel

While new electronic flight instrument systems (EFISes) sometimes seem ubiquitous, PC Avionics new yourGlassPanel line stands out as an easily retrofittable blend of form and function that may fit the bill for homebuilders seeking a moderately priced primary or backup EFIS; by Marc Cook.

Kit Stuff