An effervescent 89-year-old Howie Keefe, beyond his exploits as an air racer, is known for his Air Chart Systems, which pioneered bound aeronautical charts. Well, he’s back at it. After selling Air Chart, Keefe apparently couldn’t handle another retirement, and so has introduced TRI-NAV. These bound charts include the best elements of IFR, VFR and GPS charts, hence the “tri” name, and are broken into three sections for the U.S.—West, North and South.
The bound charts include a broad-scale topographic map, as well as an IFR-style map annotated with ground features like highways, waterways and shorelines. A yellow square depicts the location of the city associated with a mapped airport.
Updates are done by the user manually. You can elect to receive a mailed sheet showing the changes, or have that list emailed to you. You can earmark the atlas with the changes to keep the entire system legally current.
Price for one TRI-NAV atlas is $99 with $10 off each additional atlas.
Much more information can be found on the TRI-NAV website.