The show does not start until Tuesday, but the Sun ‘n Fun homebuilt parking crew is ready for action. While other GA aircraft are parked inconspicuously, homebuilts, the original reason for this eminent annual gathering, are parked prominently along the taxiway. The homebuilt parking (HBP) team of 18 volunteers are lead by Air Force veteran Linda LeCroy. Co-chair Jim Steeg oversees parking operations and his wife, Dian Steeg, takes charge of registering the incoming homebuilts.
The HBP team also offers welcome wagon services to drive arriving pilots to destinations on the field. The team’s goal is to safely park all homebuilts, get them registered and orient pilots so that they get the most out of their SnF experience.

This year, the weather has posed a challenge, limiting the number of homebuilts that can run the north Florida thunderstorm gauntlet and soaking parking areas. Although HBP has parked nearly 500 aircraft in years past, they expect about 250 this year.
Homebuilt parking already had its first customers, Robert and Kathleen Jones, who arrived in their beautiful RV-10 on Saturday. They are sure to have scores of neighbors in about 48 hours.