Of all the great happenings at Sun ‘n Fun each year, the experience of flying your homebuilt to the show and camping under the wing ranks near the top. Ask anyone who has done so. The hospitality is legendary. Homebuilt campers are treated like family and for many, the HBC experience is one of the primary reasons for camping instead of getting a hotel room.

The authors of all of this fly-in goodness are Home Built Camping Co-Chairs, Heidi Mogg and Mary Jane Smith-Davis. Heidi has worked at HBC for seven years and Mary Jane was the chairwoman for a decade before that. They started and carry on the tradition of looking after their tribe of homebuilt campers by making space for and promoting camaraderie under their big tent. Each morning they supply breakfast for campers and volunteers cook dinner every night. All the pilots pitch in to feed the kitty (in the south they call it a love offering). Heidi and Mary Jane then purchase the ingredients and proceed to make camp cuisine magic.
Every year at the show, Friday night is steak and salmon night. It is very popular, so reservations are necessary. For many, this is the best night of the show. Scores of the famous and infamous show up, making memories that will not be forgotten. This year, Heidi is adding Mardi Gras night on Wednesday. Lord knows what will ensue.