Garmin recently announced its new VHF navcomm radios that nicely complement its line of compact touchscreen GPS navigators. Sporting a crisp, high-resolution display, they are nicely equipped with a variety of handy features and a smart feature set. It was showing the radio off at Sun ‘n Fun 2024 in Florida and Kitplanes contributor Larry Anglisano got a product tour from Garmin’s Jim Alpiser.
In Case You Missed It
Light Stuff
Columnist Roy Beisswenger makes the case for the safety of light and ultralight aircraft. Don't believe it? Hell explain why.
Updating an Old Friend
Bolt-on electronic fuel injection and ignition for the Continental O-200.
Debunking Deburring
If you are building an aircraft kit that requires drilling holes into metal parts, there is no doubt that the subject of deburring will get mentioned.
The old SL-30 had a wonderful NAV radio monitor function that would display radial from the standby NAV frequency while the primary frequency would do ILS or VOR. Very handy back when crossing radials were commonly used.