RADIANT Technology, headed by James Wiebe, has just announced a new pocket-sized artificial horizon instrument. Measuring less than 3” square, this extremely portable unit is called the “Flight Sensor Pack”. It combines other common aircraft instrumentation in one unit: artificial horizon, altimeter, G meter, variometer, VSI, provides density altitude values, ambient temperature as well as pitch and roll. Also, a graphing display shows values accumulated over time. It is powered by an internal rechargeable battery and can be used as a backup instrument for flight. Easy to operate and can be charged via a USB charging port. Price is $299.95 For more information, visit: www.radiantinstruments.com
In Case You Missed It
Garmins New GTN Series
Paul Bertorelli reviews Garmins long-awaited GTN 650/750 navigators, and finds out how they stack up against the successful GNS 430/530 series.
Book Review: Are Your Nuts Tight?
Vic Syracuse has written two definitive guides to Experimental Aircraft Pre-Buys and Condition Inspections.
When new aircraft from two very different designers, in this case Randy Schlitter and Richard VanGrunsven, surface with considerable similarities, consensus about basic design tenets must be blowing in the wind. Certainly Light Sport regs do constrain performance considerations, but human factors are more up for grabs, and thats where one or another design can truly shine; by Marc Cook.