Anyone who has every seen my presentation on Flight Testing should know that along with a trained pilot, good procedures, and excellent weather, a first flight cannot be performed unless someone has been assigned to bring donuts for the team. Flight test operations run on donuts—they are as essential as fuel. No donuts, no test flight.
This philosophy is represented in the Wednesday tradition of “Homebuilders Donuts” at AirVenture each year. Headquarters Co-chair Mike Dooley kicked things off with a welcome and a warning that these donuts were for homebuilders only; all SPAM-can drivers were to leave the area. One to a customer until all others had been served, and coffee was free as well.
This year’s donuts appeared shortly after a sudden strong storm moved through the area, proving the dedication of the volunteers who make the vent happen. “Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow, nor gloom of night shall stop these donuts from being delivered to waiting mouths.”