DeltaHawk will be the first to admit they’ve been plodding along on the diesel engine certification project like…forever. Actually, it’s been 14 years. But they think they’ll have a production engine available this year. Here’s KITPLANES editor Marc Cook with an update.
In Case You Missed It
Whats New
Master Mechanic introduces the Swift Driver, Aircraft Spruce launches an online magazine and offers a simplified FAR/AIM book, and California Power Systems carries Rotax 912 engine rubber replacement kits.
Build Your Skills: Fabric
Most of the hard work is done, and its time for dope. First, pick the right spray outfit, next find a clean, well-ventilated work area and finish your surface preparation, and then you're ready to spray. By Ron Alexander.
Power, Scotty, I Gotta Have More Power
“I canna give ye more, Cap’n. The dilithium crystals are already overloaded.”
—Star Trek
This month’s...
Aero ‘lectrics
In this first of a two-part series, Jim Weir builds a low-cost, high-efficiency portable ground-based antenna system that he used to great effect in the recent CAFE 400 (fuel efficiency) race in Northern California. You can do it, too.