One of the most long lived LSA designs is CubCrafters’ Carbon Cub. From the outset, it has been a light, well-powered design and now, the company is upping the ante again. At Sun ‘n Fun 2023, it took the wraps off the Carbon Cub UL powered by Rotax’s new 916 iS engine at 160-hp. In this video, CubCrafters’ Brad Damm explains what the airplane is all about. And one thing it’s about is the ability to burn unleaded, lower octane fuel.
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The Home Machinist, Part 7
This milling project offers home machinists a great way to get the feel of their equipment and gives them a plug protector for their in-cockpit iPaq as well; by Bob Fritz.
Grease Is the Word
Dave Prizio - 6
Consistently use the correct lubricant for your airplane’s various parts, and you will go a long way toward preventing problems.
Ask the DAR
Mel Asberry - 0
When can a project be registered as Experimental? Can a non-complying airplane be registered as an LSA? How is the 51% criterion determined? Answers to these questions come from DAR Mel Asberry.
Cub got the bid for WWII trainer because it was the cheapest to produce, this is a 180 from why the cub even exists.