Don and Sharon Hall’s RANS S-19

Our RANS S-19 was completed in June 2011, after three years and more than 2000 hours of work. All of the interior surfaces were primed, and the rivets were installed wet. We built the project per print, with no aerodynamic, structural or propulsion changes. The aircraft performs per the RANS pilot operating handbook. The control forces and effectiveness of the ailerons, flaps, rudder and stabilizer are excellent. This was truly a joint effort as Sharon did the majority of the drilling, riveting and Dremel work. Special thanks to Definitive Avionics of Bellingham for wiring the avionics and Extreme Metal & Paint of Anacortes, Washington, for the paint job. Many thanks to our EAA chapter members for their help. Much to our surprise, our S-19 was awarded LSA Reserve Grand Champion at the Arlington Fly-In in Washington state.
Anacortes, Washington
Eric Kallio’s RV-10

After five years of building my Van’s RV-10, N518RV took to the air in February 2010. It was painted in August, after Phase I flight testing was completed. It is equipped with an Aerosport Power IO-540, Grand Rapids EFIS/EIS, Garmin avionics stack and the TruTrak autopilot. It has plenty of power and is a real dream to fly. I’m now coming up on 70 hours and have already made several wonderful trips with the plane. What a great kit!
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Craig Walls’ Alaskan Rebel

My wife, Debrya, and I recently finished our Murphy Rebel. We spent almost four years building our baby. The first flight took place on September 1, 2011, and it flew smoothly with no need for control adjustments. The panel consists of two Dynon SkyView panels along with an SL40, GTX 327, Sigtronics intercom and an Alpha Systems AOA gauge. Powering our Rebel is an Aerosport O-360 with 180 horsepower. The plane’s empty weight is 1050 pounds. Believe me, the performance is very good! We painted the exterior with Stewart Systems paint and were amazed at how easy it was to use. We also used Hoerner-style wingtips made by Dave Fife specifically for the Rebel. These are a performance mod that lowers the stall and increases top end speed. I get a thrill every time I go flying, knowing that we built the airplane ourselves. Factory support was helpful, but we could not have done this without the guys in the Rebel builders’ group and our friend, Si Smith. Next on the list is to get started on those amphib floats so we can really explore Alaska!
Wasilla, Alaska
Submissions to “Completions” should include a typed, double-spaced description (a few paragraphs only—250 words maximum) of the project and the finished aircraft. Also include a good color photograph (prints or 35mm slides are acceptable) of the aircraft that we may keep. Please include a daytime phone number where we can contact you if necessary. Also indicate whether we may publish your address in case other builders would like to contact you. Send submissions to: Completions, c/o KITPLANES® Magazine, P.O. Box 315, Ashland, OR 97520. Digital submissions are also acceptable. Send text and photos to with a subject line of “Completions.” Photos must be high-resolution—300 dpi at a 3 x 5 print size is the minimum requirement. You can also submit your aircraft through our online form.