Jim Ross Sonex
I was the winner of a complete Sonex Kit and builders package in EAAs 2003 Membership Sweepstakes. My wife, Linda, and I had flown our Cessna 172 for 25 years with a constant companion, our dog Cessna. Coincidentally, I had been considering building a sportplane in anticipation of the new sport pilot rule. Ive been around aircraft building a little bit and several people on my home field are either building or thinking about building their own aircraft. I started building the airplane in early 2005, and its now flying. The nose art is that of my 105-pound Coonhound, who faithfully supervised the entire operation and is copilot.
Citra, Florida

Eric Newtons Bearhawk
Plansbuilt Bearhawk N57EN (Missippi Mudbug) flew for the first time on June 7, 2008, and handled beautifully. Takeoff took less than 400 feet, and it climbed at over 1200 fpm at 100 mph. Construction began in September of 2003 with me forming the aluminum wingribs over a wood form block. It took just over 4 years to complete this scratchbuilt project, which has a Lycoming O-360 with a Sensenich fixed-pitch prop. The panel includes a Dynon EFIS D100 and Grand Rapids EIS. Special thanks to designer Bob Barrows for the awesome plans and support, to my building partners Lonnie Gibbons and Mickey Whittenburg (who is also my tech counselor), and to my wife, Michelle, for her patience with me spending many long hours in the shop.
Long Beach, Mississippi

Shayne McDaniels Waiex
After learning to fly in the 1970s in San Diego, I dreamed of building an airplane some day. While attending AirVenture 2006 at 70 years young, my wife, Phyllis, looked at the Sonex Waiex and said, We could build that. The building was an exhilarating 14 month learning experience. The drawings provided by Sonex were exceptional, and the technical staff was always helpful. N65YX is a trigear, two-place, low-wing design with the 80-hp AeroVee kit engine. It has the Sport Trainer option: dual sticks, center located throttle, mixture, trim, flap and brake handles. It is equipped with the Stratomaster Enigma EFIS, transponder, intercom, com radio, and landing position and strobe lights. A local custom auto painter did an exceptional job. I have decided that the building challenge is almost as satisfying as the flying experience. My wife was the test pilot on May 4, 2008, at the Neosho, Missouri, Municipal Airport (EOS), where N65YX is hangared. All went well, and it was an exciting time for both of us. We are in the process now of looking for our next project.
Pineville, Missouri
Submissions to Completions should include a typed, double-spaced description (a few paragraphs only-250 words maximum) of the project and the finished aircraft. Also include a good color photograph (prints or 35mm slides are acceptable) of the aircraft that we may keep. Please include a daytime phone number where we can contact you if necessary. Also indicate whether we may publish your address in case other builders would like to contact you. Send submissions to: Completions, c/o KITPLANES Magazine, 203 Argonne Ave., Suite B105, Long Beach, CA 90803. Digital submissions are also acceptable. Send text and photos to editorial@kitplanes.com with a subject line of Completions. Photos must be high-resolution-300 dpi at a 3 x 5 print size is the minimum requirement.