Products: PS Engineering Introduces New PMA8000B-MP3

The internal MP3 player functions of the Experimental-aircraft-only PMA9000EX have been so popular that PS Engineering has embedded the same technology into the TSO'd...

Getting to Know the Neighborhood: The Short Story of 68 Airports

Why is this man smiling?George Mendonca has been flying for more than 51 years and has just made a personal goal: fly left-seat into...

Oshkosh Set Up Day

Wonderful, not-too-humid weather greeted AirVenture participants today, with many of the previously flooded/swamped parking spaces (aircraft and cars) drying into usefulness. The overall mood...

Texas Sport Offers Kit Rebate

Texas Sport Aircraft Company has announced a $2500 rebate on the Texas Sport amateur-built aircraft kit, a derivative of the American Legend Cub intended...

Products: PS Engineering Expands Capabilities, Reduces Price on PMA9000EX

PS Engineering's Experimental-aircraft-only audio panel/intercom introduced last year, the PMA9000EX, has gained new capabilities combined with a reduced price—how often does that happen?First the...

Lancair’s First Evolution Kit Delivered

Lancair International announced today that it has delivered the first Evolution kit to Andy Cruce of Miramar, Florida. Cruce and his wife saw the...

Commentary: New Kitbuilt Rules—Punish Everyone for a Few Scofflaws

The FAA, in its revised Advisory Circulars that govern the licensing of Experimental/Amateur-Built aircraft, has taken an aggressive, broad-brush approach to stopping “excessive commercial...

Amy's RV-10: That Ole Paint

It turns out, ole silverback, as I was beginning to deem 9AB, our newly hatched and DAR-blessed RV-10, was going to get a new...

Proposed FAA Guidance on Homebuilts Is Announced

Offering a 30-day comment period, the FAA has announced its much anticipated Official Notice of proposed guidance pertaining to the regulation of Experimental/Amateur-Built aircraft.Read...

Fly-In Preparation and Safety

There are always risks involved with flying into any airport, but when there’s a fly-in going on, those risks are higher than usual: lots...

In Case You Missed It

The Creative Homebuilder

Make your own beading tool.


Group fly-outs.

Thundering Mustangs

If you want to go faster, add more horsepower.

On the Edge

Hot-rodding the venerable Rotax four-strokes.