Something Old, Something New
It's probably just human nature that ogling what's new occupies so much of the attention of so many people so much of the time...
Paradise City: The Few, The Proud, The Very Light
Ahhh, yesss! Paradise City as it used to be, as it should be. Thanks to days of drier weather, smooth winds, blue skies and...
Avemco Offers Hull/Liability Insurance for Part-time CFIs
Avemco’s Jim Lauerman was honestly happy announcing the insurance company’s newest product for flight instructors Friday morning at Sun 'n Fun. The program is...
National Association of Flight Instructors Helps Kit Builders Become Safe Fliers
The National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI) held its Master Flight Instructor Breakfast Friday morning at the Sun 'n Fun Fly-In, and one Master...
Aerospoiler System Foils Storm Damage
Tim Tuinder knows about hurricanes. He and his wife, Sharon, run a missionary air service, Harvest Air, out of Puerto Rico, supporting orphanages in...
LightSPEED Aviation Announces Improvements to Zulu ANR Headset
A lot of buzz has surrounded LightSPEED Aviation's newest ANR headset, the Zulu, introduced at AirVenture 2007, with the first sets shipping in September...
First Corvair-Powered 701 at Sun 'n Fun! Well… Almost
A funny thing happened on the way to Sun 'n Fun this year. Pilot Gus Warren and the first Corvair-powered Zenith CH 701 were...
A New Spin on Plane Power
While this M-Squared ultralight may not look like a Mazda RX-8 sports car, its powerplant does share the same rotary-engine technology, with a single-rotor...
Cub Reporter Mandy Wainfan on Sun 'n Fun
Imagine seeing an airshow from the eyes of a nine-year old.Mandy Wainfan has been taking photos for, oh, 4 months now and has been...
InDUS Aviation Announces Diesel LSA
The folks at InDUS Aviation, manufacturers of the Thorpedo Light Sport Aircraft and kit have done it again. The Thorpedo was the first new...