Kitplanes July 2020

August 2020

On the cover: Paul Dye pilots Valkyrie, his RV-8, near Hilltop Lakes, Texas. Photographed from the back seat of Danny King’s RV-8, Beautiful Doll,...
Kitplanes July 2020

July 2020

On the cover: six kits for under $25,000. (Clockwise from upper left) Hummel H5, Van’s RV-4, Fisher Dakota Hawk, Aeromarine Merlin, Zenith CH 650...
Kitplanes June 2020

June 2020

On the cover: John McBean, president of Kitfox Aircraft, enjoys a flight in an S7 Super Sport on a near-perfect Idaho day. Photographed by...
Kitplanes May 2020

May 2020

On the cover: Erik Johnston photographed Ray Waton’s Murphy Bull Moose in Eastern Washington state. Its V-8 installation looks almost like a turbine! Table of...
Kitplanes April 2020

April 2020

On the cover: Scott McDaniels pilots his RV-6A near the Van’s Aircraft factory in Oregon. Scott—who works at Van’s in the company’s prototype shop—carefully rebuilt the airplane, which he acquired after it had been damaged. Photographed by Ed Hicks near Portland, Oregon.

March 2020

On the cover: Paul Dye and Nick Otterback enjoy an early morning flight in the Arion Lightning 340. Photographed by Richard VanderMeulen near Oshkosh,...
Kitplanes February 2020

February 2020

On the cover: Joe Flood flies Big Toot, Tommy Meyer’s Lindy Award winning, tandem biplane. Photographed near Oshkosh, Wisconsin, by Richard VanderMeulen.
Kitplanes January 2020

January 2020

On the cover: Dave Ammenti puts his Glasair GlaStar through its paces on a perfect CAVU day. Photographed near Palo Alto, California, by Richard...

December 2019

Kitplanes November 2019 cover

November 2019

On the cover: Paul Dye flies his SubSonex personal jet over Lake Tahoe in the Sierra Nevada. Photographed by Richard VanderMeulen.

In Case You Missed It


Sawtooth MythIn his article All About Avionics: EFIS Dreams Stein Bruch complains about the...

Alternative Energies

Rapid strides are being made in the development of ultralight electric motorgliders. Dean Sigler talks to a few of the manufacturers at the forefront of this field.

The Dawn Patrol

Dick Starks and The Dawn Patrol saddle, er, trailer up and head to the Salute to Veterans Air Show in Columbia, Missouri. Who else could lend his crimping pliers to a couple of sailors to fix an F-18s wiring problem?

Metal Magic Special: Paul Dye Shop Tour

Join KITPLANES editor at large Paul Dye for a quick tour of his home...